Thirteen Unique Baby Shower Gifts

Whether you’re shopping for an upcoming baby shower or putting a registry together, it can be overwhelming! 

There are the basics that almost every new mom needs such as diapers, a basinet, a changing table, clothes, pacifiers; the list can go on and on. Despite the endless lists of gifting possibilities, there will always be items that don’t even occur to you to register for. As a first-time mom myself, I was overwhelmed by the endless possibilities and felt as though I had to guess at which items were of the most importance. Will I really need this? Will my baby prefer this bottle or that one? Am I forgetting anything? I’m sorry to say you’ll never truly feel prepared, but believe me, you’re closer than you think!

When searching for a gift for an upcoming baby shower, I always recommend to check out the registry first. There’s a reason that momma to be put those items on the list. If you’re looking for an additional gift or making sure your registry covers all the bases, I hope I’m able to be of some help!

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1. Ready Rocker

I wish I had known about this back support rocker sooner! Our apartment doesn’t have the space for a rocker so I had to make due with bunched up pillows behind me so I wasn’t arching my back during feedings. Let me tell you, my back was SORE before I even thought to do that! I walked into my friends house the other day, saw this on her couch and my mind was blown. I’m always reminded how there are solutions to everything if only we take the time to look.


2. Diaper Caddy

I love this multi purpose gift idea! When I received a diaper caddy at my baby shower, I didn’t realize just how useful it would be. We packed our caddy with diapers, baby wipes, spit up cloths, a change of clothes and diaper bags. This allowed us to create a secondary changing station. As our little ones grows, everything can be traded out for a way to organize toys and books. This would also make for a cute gift basket to include other purchases in!


3. Ear pods

Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if I was the last person on earth to purchase a set of ear pods. I just never understood the hype. I finally caved one day and purchased this pair. Let me tell you, life changing! When you’re holding your baby, cooking dinner and trying to catch up with your mom, believe me, pressing your phone between your ear and shoulder is going to get annoying really fast. Like I said, I’m probably the last person to make this realization.


4. Baby Paperwork Briefcase

I never would have thought to put this on my registry! As someone who struggles with organization, this gift has helped me enormously! Between hospital paperwork, doctors visits, birth certificate, baptismal certificate, daycare packets, there’s a lot of paperwork you’ll be collecting within the first few months! It comes with wallet cards for you to fill in with babies information so parents, grandparents and babysitters have all of babies insurance and emergency contact information on hand. It also comes with a thank you note tracker and extra labels so you can customize the dividers that best fit your needs.

5. Keepsake box

Looking for a cute way to store your baby items? I love this keepsake box idea! It comes with nine compartments where you can store things such as babies hospital bracelet, their first pair of shoes, their first stuffy, etc. This box set also comes with folders to store important paperwork so you can have everything in one place. It comes with 50+ labels for you to organize the boxes and files the way you want. With multiple color options and a slot in the front to add your child’s first initial or photo, you’ll be able to easily recognize which child that box belongs to.


6. Electric Nail File

With how squirmy my little one is, I was always scared to cut her nails out of fear of accidentally clipping some skin. If it wasn’t for this gift from my cousin, I never would have known of this alternative! It comes with multiple filing disks in varying degrees of roughness that correspond to your child’s age. Meaning, as they grow and their nails become tougher, the harder of a file you can choose. The infant file is so soft, you’ll be surprised how easily it smooths down your little ones nails. This gentle approach will remove the stress of nail trimming time!

7. Sanitize Station

As soon as your baby arrives, you’re going to be flooded with friends and family who want to meet the newest addition to the family. If you prefer that no visitation happens until the little ones immune system is more developed, that’s completely ok! Set that expectation with your loved ones early so you’re able to take the time to rest and adjust to your new life. Once you’re ready for company, you can set up this basket with hand sanitizer, sanitation wipes and a cute plant to be placed close to you and baby as a reminder for guests to keep germs away.


8. Bath Time Kneeling Mat

What is the most recent thing to be added to my shopping cart? This! My little one is just a few short weeks away from being able to sit up in her infant tub. Once she’s able to sit up, I’ll be placing her tub inside the master bath so she’s no longer hovering over the kitchen sink. When that move takes place, there’s no way my knees are going to be able to handle the hard ground! This knee and elbow rest not only brings you comfort, it also has multiple storage pockets for toys, shampoo and wash cloths. When bath time is over, you can either velcro the mat to the elbow rest or hang the whole thing on the curtain rod to get it out of the way. I’ll make sure to come back and update with my review once I’ve used it!


9. The Sh!t No One Tells You

This was one of my top Christmas gifts I received from my brother last year! Dawn Dais tells it how it is with a great sense of humor that had me cracking up from page 1. I found myself nodding along to everything she was saying as I reminisced of years past as being the oldest child in my family and watching my mom go through everything Dawn laid out. Whether you’re shopping for a new mom or an experienced one, this book is sure to make them laugh and give helpful advice along the way!



10. Mom Survival Kit

With everyone’s focus being on the new bundle of joy, mom is sometimes overlooked! After late night feedings, lack of sleep and all of the healing that takes place after birth, it’s amazing what a piece of chocolate can do! Don’t forget to pamper that momma bit too! Below is a small list of ideas to help you start putting your package together.

  • Favorite snacks
  • Face mask
  • Chocolate
  • Candle
  • Nail polish
  • Bottle of wine

11. Dad Survival Kit

Let’s not forget dad! He may not have had to go through the trauma of child birth, but he’ll be right there to tag team the late night feedings and diaper changes. I don’t know how I would have done it without my husband relieving me so I could get in a nap or shower. Show him he’s appreciated by grabbing a few things on your way through the store.

  • Favorite snacks
  • Case of beer
  • Coffee mug
  • Bag of coffee

12. Newborn Photography Session

There’s almost nothing cuter than a newborn swaddled up and sleeping peacefully! That window of long stretches of daytime sleep is shorter than you might think though! Because of this, it’s recommended that you set a newborn photography session for 7 – 10 days after birth. If there’s a photographer that you already have in mind, find out their pricing in advance so you can put it on the list for an individual or a group to gift you the money for the session.

13. Freezer meals/Meal Subscription

I don’t know what I would have done if my mom hadn’t come out to visit right after my daughter was born! For nearly two weeks, she did all of the shopping, cooking and cleaning on top of taking a night time shift to help rock little one back to sleep. While she cooked, she put together freezer bags full of meals together that helped get us through the next month. There would have been a lot more take out boxes in our trash can if it hadn’t been for her! Believe me, the last thing you want to do after giving birth is to cook dinner!

Whether you’re a great cook and can put freezer meals together or have a meal subscription that you love and can gift your friend a month or two of, that is one less thing for the new parents to think about and boy will they be grateful!

I hope this list was able to give you some new ideas!

Let me know what gifts you’re thankful you received that you didn’t put on your registry!

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