About Me

Hi and welcome to my little space on the internet!

I’ve always thought of myself as a bit of an Amelia Bedelia. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this amusing children’s story book character, Amelia is a literalist who tends to find herself in comical misunderstandings with her employers. Though she may seem a bit scatter brained, she’s an amazing cook and can dazzle anyone with one of her desserts. If I ever find myself in an awkward situation or making a foolish mistake, I want nothing more than to retreat to my kitchen and bake something sweet to be given in hopes that my awkwardness will be forgotten.

Writing has never been my forte so I apologize if you came here looking for an elegant story on each craft and edible item. I’ve always been a bit on the blunt side and feel more comfortable explaining things through pictures rather than words. I will however tell you the honest truth. Whether a craft was a complete pain in the butt to make, or if something tasted so awful that I threw it away, you will find it all here!

All that being said, I am self taught through and through. My inspiration for events and treats comes from all over the place including Pinterest, movies, and the people around me. If you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask but just know, I will most likely be Googling the answer! If I can inspire at least one person out there, then I will consider this blog a huge success!

My family is a huge part of my life and I can’t imagine it without them.