Storybook Banner

This banner is super easy to make and can be done to fit any theme. I chose Winnie the Pooh for a storybook themed baby shower I helped put together. If you’d like to see all of the decorations that were made for it, click here.


Printout of flag shape
X-acto knife
Hot glue gun


1. Run the x-acto knife along the inside pages of the book, right before they meet the spine.
2. With the cut out of your flag shape but it over the image on the page you would like cut out and trace it.

3. Run a strip of hot glue on the upper back side of the image.

4. Press the twine down on the strip of glue. I shouldn’t have to warn you it’ll be hot, but just in case you’re like me and somehow forget this tidbit every time you work with hot glue, the stuff is hot and you will burn yourself if you aren’t careful.
5. Continue to do this by gluing the rest of the images 2-3 in. apart from each other. This final look is really up to you.
6. Hang it up for all to see!

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